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Groupe Santé Voyage
175 Stillview, Suite 245
Pointe-Claire, Québec H9R 4S3 Canada

Heures d'ouverture

Lundi : fermé
Mardi : 08:30 à 16:30
Mercredi : fermé
Jeudi : fermé
Vendredi : 08:30 à 16:30
Samedi : fermé
Dimanche : fermé

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Services médicaux

Groupe Santé Voyage à Pointe-Claire


Whether you’re going on a short trip down south, a business trip or a backpacking adventure, some very simple preparations and precautions can ensure that you have a pleasant trip and a problem-free return. If you’re headed to Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Cuba, or a more exotic destination in Asia, Africa or South America, just one call to a Groupe Santé voyage clinic will allow you to make an appointment with one of our healthcare professionals, and thereby obtain all the necessary preventive advice, vaccination and medication prescriptions for your trip. Our MISSION is to give you the chance to make the most of your trip!

Services médicaux
Langues de service
  • Français
  • Anglais